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While my main focus over the past few years has been my graphic novel series "Forget Me Not", it is by far not the only project being worked on behind the scenes!

There are various other projects currently being developed, like an animated pilot known as "The Faeries Tale" as well as some character designs for a future, fantasy setting project I'm working on!

Just to name a few.

Forget Me Not

Writer, Character Designer, Location Designer, Prop Designer, Artist

"Forget Me Not" is a series of graphic novels I started conceptualizing in 2018, had fully written the first two scripts for in 2019, and started producing in 2020, with the first book currently published and released, and the second book in the final stages of production.


"Forget Me Not" is a more mature series that I'm quite proud to have my name attached to. It's a series of stories very personal to me, that others have also been able to relate to. Despite it's grim tone, it's a story I love going back to and working on, and reader reception has been amazing!

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The Faeries Tale

Writer, Character Designer, Location Designer, Prop Designer, Artist, Animator

"The Faeries Tale" is the revival of characters and plots I'd developed back in 2012. It's an animated pilot currently being developed, designed for younger audiences. Pre-production began in 2022 and has been slowly moving forward since!


Much like "Forget Me Not" this is a story I have a lot of personal attachment to, as these are characters I've owned for several years, and I'm extremely excited to see the reception of the pilot episode being developed!

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