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Forget Me Not: Aconite



A man with a lot of trust issues and trauma. Tries his best to see the justifications of his own actions, but struggles immensely doing so for others, seeing most other people as bad actors. Constantly thinking of his own survival to a point where he has a hard time empathizing with others the way he used to in the old world.


The voice of reason for the group, and the main reason Kaden sticks around in many situations where he'd rather leave. She's level-headed and sweet, but not afraid to tell you how it is, and make it known to you when you've messed up. Actively opts out of swearing, instead replacing any curse words with the word "fig"


A free spirit through and through, Choosing to live her life in the post apocalyptic world on the road, constantly travelling from one location to the next. Very few memories of her old life seem to be in tack, but she doesn't let that get her down. Adventurous to a dangerous degree, her and Kaden are constantly butting heads.

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